Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Struggling To Start That Business? - Fear - Perfectionism - Analysis Paralysis

Afraid to start a YouTube Channel, blog, or online business? Let's talk! Notes: Stuck between two YouTube channels, and making excuses! I have a problem, and I need your help. I don't know if you know this or not, but I haven't filmed conistent youtube videos for several months. There are exactly 106 unpublished videos from back in Janraury that haven't even been turned public yet. Sure I shoot the occasional question and answer video that gets uploaded same day, but the majority of longer videos are 6 months old the day they're published. I'm underwater here, still, and am not doing any better. So here's what I've been restling with the past few months... Should I break out the content into it's own sauna channel, money and blogging channel, and a third for business? This was never the plan, and my fear is that I'll spread myself too thin. My other fear, is that if one day I publish a bunch of sauna reviews and detox stuff, then the next day I drop 3 videos on investing and how to make $100k a year from a blog and tax writeoffs, I'll alienate half the people, or drive the other half nuts from being all over the place. The reason I struggle with this so much, is that this was never the plan for Clever Leverage. Neither the blog, nor the youtube channel. It was always supposed to be about money, business, building online publishing companies, and taxes. Only when my health gave me trouble, did I bring in the lifestyle things. -------------- 97.8% of all my views are NOT Subscribed 1.9% from subscribers --------------- 8.7 million impressions this year - so whether or not I'm doing a good job with thumbnails and the videos is irrelevant, the traffic is there, despite me having a tiny little channel --------------- 69.6% male 30.4% female viewership That doesn't help me, this type of content could go either way... it all comes down to is it helpful or not. 71.2% of audience is 25 - 64 yrs old --------------- So when it's time for the rubber to meet the road, does it even really matter to you the subscribers what content I put out? The other problem is, under the surface, I'm really just asking for permission to execute. The reality is, I have to be the leader on this, and most people wouldn't be able to tell me what's best for the direction of the master vision. But I'm struggling. I'm making excuses. I'm allowing things to get in the way. With my mackground and experience, not a lot of people can compete with me if I'm all in 100%... yet, I'm still getting in my own way. What I mean by that, is the ability is here to publish 15-20 videos a day to play catch up. The team is in place to handle it, yet here I am. But I also thought sharing this would humanize things a bit too, because for some reason people I talk to don't think seasoned online publishers struggle with the same things they have a hard time with as beginners. Couldn't be farther from the truth. So, bottom line: I'm overthinking this, have used this as an excuse for the last several months, and just want your feedback so I can give myself permission to bringing the fire. Truth be told, I've never really tried on YouTube before. I'm both excited and afraid of what I could accomplish if I gave it hell for a year of two. My gut already knows the answer to this, I'm just stuck in an analysis paralysis trap, even though deep down the answer is it doesn't matter. Both ways will work, taking imperfect action is the real answer. It's the only thing that got me to this point when I started all this back in 2016. Comment down below and tell me what you think! https://youtu.be/dH_zmAUVa7A

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