Thursday, June 6, 2019

Celebration Saunas: Same Golden Designs High EMF Review? Identical?

Time for a Celebration Saunas review? From just checking them out on the surface, their own company website on Celebration flat out says they're made by Golden Designs. So just based on that alone, I don't feel the need to go much further than that. If you haven't seen my other reviews, Golden Designs manufacturers the Dynamic Sauna I bought from Costco, the Maxxus Saunas found on Amazon with notoriously high emf levels despite low emf claims, etc... I mean this goes on and on. Basically as an outsider, what I see going on here, is the parent company opens a subsidiary brand every year or two, markets the ever living shit out of it until they can no longer sustain from bad reviews, and then opens a new subsidiady, just using the exact same saunas. So instead of making the saunas better, and having a quality product to market, they just churn and burn the shit out of what they can manufacture cheaply. This would explain the other reviews from other people buying these saunas that I found online, that echoed my experience to a T. Yeah I don't have much more to say about it, it's pretty simple for a sauna company to test their own sauna for you on live video. If it has low magnetic fields, electric fields, and low rf radiation, then it's something to look in to. Otherwise than that, I wouldn't waste my time.

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