Saturday, April 25, 2020

Therasage 360 - Best Portable Saunas - We Need To Talk

Therasage 360 Heart To Heart Talk We Need To Talk What Do You Guys Want From Me Here With These Portable Saunas None are perfect each one has kinda it's own kwirks emf is so so voc's are so so depending on which one it is the reality is it seems there is always a compromise somewhere with these portable saunas people have asked about the steam ones, I just can't stand the smell from the tent Personally I would take the fabric infrared tent sauna over the rubber steam sauna But none of these are really up to the certified sauna standards, so I can't really add them to the list with good confidence. So I don't know what to do here. I can't just sweep this under the rug. What would you guys prefer I do? The only way I know of to truly fix this, is to have a sauna designed myself that meets all the criteria... and I don't think I want to be in the physical products business really. So I'm kind of stuck here, there aren't any other options on the market for me to test... and I know you guys have been waiting and waiting for a good portable sauna option.